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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You
Direct Bill?

We direct bill most insurance companies. 


If you have specific questions about your insurance policy, contact us!

A doctors referral is NOT required for chiropractic care.

One MAY be required for massage therapy, depending on your insurance provider. Every insurance policy is different and although most do not require a doctors note, some do. 

Do I Need A Doctors Referral?

What Are The Benefits of Chiro/Massage?

Chiropractic and massage therapy have numerous health benefits, some of which include pain relief for acute and chronic pain, improved range of motion and function, enhanced healing, better posture, as well as preventative care. ​


If you are unsure which treatment is right for you, contact us!

Chiropractic is an extremely safe and effective treatment for neuromusuloskeletal issues. Our chiropractors are highly trained to assess and examine any potential risks of manipulation, and can triage appropriately if necessary. 

Is Chiropractic Safe?

What Is The Cost?

Chiropractic / Acupuncture


Initial appointment:                        $105

Follow-up: 15 mins                         $60

                   30 min                           $80



Initial appointment:                        $95

60 mins                                            $110

45 min                                              $90

30 min                                              $70



Initial appointment:                        $120

Follow-up:                                        $65


Homeopathy / Naturopathy​

Initial appointment:                       $150

Follow-up                                        $75


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